Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reason for the season

Hello blogger i know i have not posted in a really long time but as i said before i have been really busy in school so i really had no time to post anything, but i have a brake now so i should be able to post a bit more often now. I have a new poem for you today which goes with the HOLIDAY SEASON so enjoy and don't forget to tell me what you think :) Oh and the poem is called reason for the season

When everyone is setting
in front of the fire, with
cups full of eggnog and story's to tell

When everyone is trimming
the tree and baking cookies
for good old SAINT NICK

When stocking are being hung
and sugar plums are making there
way across our heads

never forget them and always keep them
in your heart

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Some new art pieces

Here are some new art pieces well one of them is new and the other is old the first is the old one, this is of a man one half is a magazine and the other have is my drawing. The second one is a new drawing i just did this a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy


Hello Blogger i am sorry for not posting in such a long time, but i have been really busy. I am now back in school. I started a new semester and i can't believe that i will be transfer to Temple University soon. I have been writing paper after paper after paper but now i finally have some time to post. I also have been still writing my poetry well as drawing so i do have a lot of new stuff to share. This new poem that i wrote is called CHANGING so here it is

I am changing right before your eyes.
Becoming someone you don't recognize.
I am growing and learning and expanding my mind.
I am becoming someone new, with wide open eyes.
Now I can see what i didn't know was there.
But do you really care.
There is so much in this big old world.
You just have to take a chance and be willing to learn.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello blogger i have a new poem for you today but before i get to that i want to shear some good new with you. I have been entering poetry contest on the Internet and one of the judges from a contest respond back to me and now my poem is in the semifinal's how great is that i could be published. The poem that i enter was called "MOTHER'S MESSAGE FROM ABOVE" you could check it out by reading one of my earlier post. Now here is my new poem tell me what you think.

I have an idea, I know
what to do. I can own my
own store or fish upon
the shore. I can sing
to a crowd or marry a king.
I can do so much, you just
watch and see. I have
an idea
, I know what to do.
I can be a guitar player or
even drop out of school. There
is so much I can do just
watch and see. But most of
all I just think I'll be me.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


G-Great is you mercy.
Great is your works in
all the land.
Great is your love.
Great is how you
Created man.
Great is what you are.
Great is what you be.
Great is what you are to me.

O-Oh so loving, oh so kind.
Oh so awesome and Divine.
Oh home much I love you.
Oh how much I care.

D-Does everything without fear.
Does just what you said you do.
Does everything right.
Does love me oh how I,
Do konw it's true.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Raise your voice

Hello aging Blogger i written a new poem that mean so much to me. I hope you can relate to it, so take the time out to read it and tell me what you think.

Raise your voice, scream out loud.
Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Your words are you own.
No one can take them from you.
You are your own person, you are someone.
Raise your voice speak out loud.
Make a statement, show that your proud.
So raise your voice and don't be afraid
because you are who you are
and you can't be blamed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Art work

Hey blogger How about these classics tell me what you think keep in mind this drawing are pretty old.

Monday, August 2, 2010

God's Wrath

Hey fellow blogger i written a new poem which really speaks to me and i hope it speaks to you as well so tell me what you think

The wrath of God is like
no other. For you will know
when it's coming. It is
powerful and loud.
Strong and forceful.
That no one, man, woman,
or child could escape it.
God's wrath against mankind
shall be revealed in front of
every ones eyes. For when that
day comes and his wrath is revealed
don't run and hide just embrace it,
and pray that you make it, to
the other side.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Daughter's Legacy

Hey blogger i have a new poem for you today tell me what you think. OH by the way it's called a Daughter's legacy

To keep her legacy is
just something I have to do.
To receive her inheritance
and make peace, who knew.
I must abide by her will,
and do as she said.
But her death has left a
big pain in my head.
Yet I still must do as I am told.
To keep her legacy is all
I know

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's up blogger new art work is in tell me what you think

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bye Bye Birdie

Hey Blogger i have another poem for you

Bye bye birdie off you go.
Fly into the sky until
I can't see you no more.
Your no longer a caged bird.
Your free as can be.
Enjoy your life and do as you please.
Don't look back, you have far to go.
Much to see and many things to do.
Your life shall be filled
with joy and excitement.
So off you go don't be frighten.
So bye bye birdie off you go into the world where
I shall see you once more.

Mother's message from above

Hey blogger here is another poem tell me what u think.

I've have a message for
you my child.
I be gone for just a while.
So do not cry for very long.
For I will not be very far.
But right here in your heart.
Trust what I say to you
because it's something you just have to do.
I know I shall see you on the other side.
So remember this message
and that I love you my child.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Great works of Art

Hey blogger here is some more of my great works of art tell me what you think

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Art-photography

Hey Blogger here is more of my art enjoy!!!! Oh don't forget to tell me what you think.

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Art-photography-(Flowers)

Hey Fellow blogger here is some more of my art it's some photograph that i have taken of flowers. I love taking pictures of flowers they are so beautiful. So if you don't mind, tell me what you think.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Art-photography

Hey Blogger it's me aging i have some more art for you so here are some photos that i have taken when i was out one day.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More of my Art

Here are two of my favorite charcoal drawings. I did these drawings about a year ago i haven't really showed them to anyone so tell me what you think.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Art

Hey blogger i have some art to show you and want your honest opinions about it now i know it may not be a poem but i believe art is a form of poetry so tell me what you think.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Thank You Prayer

Hey fellow blogger i have a new poem for you today it's called MY THANK YOU PRAYER

Thank you GOD, for just blessing me,
who knew when I met you,
you would be the key.

Thank you GOD, for all the kindness that you showed me,
now I know you really do love me.

Thank you GOD, for the food on my table,
clothes on my back, and the roof over my head,
I didn't know you cared.

Thank you GOD, for all that you do,
there is really know one like you.

Monday, April 5, 2010


My MOTHER you are unselfish and patient,
kind and caring
when no one else was forgiving.

You take away my tears and pain
I LOVE how we sit around and enjoy the rain.

You glow with beauty like the stars of the night
and when I'm down and out
you tell me to hold my head up and put up a fight.

My heart is breaking now that your no longer here
and it felt like you were the only one who really cared.

That's why your my MOTHER
and my LOVE for you will always be here.