Monday, July 26, 2010

A Daughter's Legacy

Hey blogger i have a new poem for you today tell me what you think. OH by the way it's called a Daughter's legacy

To keep her legacy is
just something I have to do.
To receive her inheritance
and make peace, who knew.
I must abide by her will,
and do as she said.
But her death has left a
big pain in my head.
Yet I still must do as I am told.
To keep her legacy is all
I know

Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's up blogger new art work is in tell me what you think

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bye Bye Birdie

Hey Blogger i have another poem for you

Bye bye birdie off you go.
Fly into the sky until
I can't see you no more.
Your no longer a caged bird.
Your free as can be.
Enjoy your life and do as you please.
Don't look back, you have far to go.
Much to see and many things to do.
Your life shall be filled
with joy and excitement.
So off you go don't be frighten.
So bye bye birdie off you go into the world where
I shall see you once more.

Mother's message from above

Hey blogger here is another poem tell me what u think.

I've have a message for
you my child.
I be gone for just a while.
So do not cry for very long.
For I will not be very far.
But right here in your heart.
Trust what I say to you
because it's something you just have to do.
I know I shall see you on the other side.
So remember this message
and that I love you my child.